Welcome to Mountbatten Primary School

Mountbatten Primary School is located on Bilton Grange in East Hull and is part of the Venn Academy Trust. It is a good school which works closely and in partnership with parents and the community to provide a safe, caring and inspiring environment where children are supported, challenged and encouraged to be the best they can be.

Staff at all levels have a relentless commitment, determination and enthusiasm to pursue excellence in all that we do. We support the children in becoming rounded individuals, who are well prepared and confident to approach the next steps in their learning.

At Mountbatten, we provide an exciting, innovative and creative curriculum which meets the needs of all groups of children. We provide our children with as many new and different experiences as possible to broaden their experiences and enrich their lives.

We have the highest expectations of all adults and children, where everyone is challenged and supported to provide an inclusive, safe, caring and respectful community.

Mountbatten is an amazing place to work and learn. We are very proud of all we have achieved, which was acknowledged by Ofsted rating us good. Our journey does not stop there. It is a very exciting time to be a pupil at Mountbatten right now.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our ever-improving and ambitious school to join us in our next chapter.

Mr J Wegg

Useful information for parents

Mountbatten Primary School is open to all pupils.

If you need any additional information that you can’t find on our website, please contact the school office on 375224.  The office is open from 8am until 4pm every day.

Breakfast Club runs from 8am each morning, with priority given to children of parents who rely on the service to get to work on time.

We also have free wrap-around care which runs up until 5pm daily (4pm Thursdays).

Lunch Choices

Lunches at Mountbatten are chosen daily by parents via the SchoolGrid App. The link for this is below:


Year 1 have had lots of fun colour mixing paints to match the colours of a flower 🖌️🎨

Year 1 have had lots of fun colour mixing paints to match the colours of a flower 🖌️🎨 ...

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This little boy was very proud of the picture he created. ’Cats sitting outside their house in the sunshine’. His teachers were very proud of him too. #Littleartistinthemaking

This little boy was very proud of the picture he created. ’Cats sitting outside their house in the sunshine’. His teachers were very proud of him too. #Littleartistinthemaking ...

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Together we will…

Venn is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

“Pupils enjoy learning about a wide range of subjects.”

“Staff work closely with professionals from external agencies to provide support for pupils with SEND.”

“Teachers check what pupils have learned and remembered each term.”

“Pupils access a range of visits and activities beyond their own experiences.”

“Senior leaders, alongside the multi-academy trust, have provided subject leaders with training.”

“Pupils listen carefully to what adults say. They join in class discussions enthusiastically.”

“Leaders have considered what pupils might need to know to broaden their understanding of the world around them.”

” Some teachers check carefully to find out which pupils are stuck and which pupils need further challenge during lessons.”

“Children start to learn to read as soon as they enter the school.”

“Leaders and teachers make regular checks to see how well pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are doing.”

“Staff are well trained in teaching children to read.”

“There are respectful relationships between adults and pupils.”

“There is a strong team culture within the school.”

“Pupils recommend the school to their friends.”

“Leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum plans they have introduced.”

“The school is calm and orderly. Pupils walk around school sensibly and are courteous to one another.”

“The school enjoyed recent success when the computing club won a local area competition using their coding skills.”

“There is a clear focus on the teaching of early mathematics and reading.”

“Leaders work well
with members of the multi-academy trust to support staff.”

“Teachers who are new to the school welcome the support they receive.”

“There are a wide range of school clubs.”

“Staff welcome the highquality training they receive. They feel proud to work in the school.”

“Curriculum plans are well sequenced.”

“Adults help pupils who fall behind.”

“The early years environment is inviting and well organised.”

“Teachers appreciate the support they receive from subject leaders to help them improve their teaching.”

“Pupils support each other well when they are completing their work.”

“Pupils say they feel safe in school.”

“The residential visit to Robinwood encourages pupils to experience new challenges and work collaboratively with their friends.”

“Pupils say that behaviour is good.”

“Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their subjects.”

“Pupils learn how to keep safe when using the internet.”

“Staff encourage
pupils to be independent from an early age.”

“Pupils enjoy attending school.”

“Children settle into school quickly.”

“The ‘Mountbatten 50’ challenges pupils to complete a range of interesting activities
before they leave the school.”