Our School Day

The school has a Breakfast Club which runs from 8.00am until 8.40am every school day in the KS2 Hall and is led by Mrs Murray and Mrs Sharpe. All pupils from FS1 to Year 6 are welcome to attend Breakfast Club.

Reception & Key Stages 1 and 2

Every morning staff will be available on the doors to welcome children into school and to communicate with parent/carers.

The doors open at 8.40am and doors close at 9.00am for registration.

The school day ends at 3.30pm on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

On a Thursday the day ends at 2pm for all children.

Weekly Total: 32 hours and 40 minutes


Mornings – 8.45 – 11.45
Afternoons – 12.15 – 3.30


At Mountbatten the children go for their lunch at different times of the day depending on which year group they are in.

Foundation Stage 2- 11.45- 12.30

Key Stage 1- 12.00-12.45

Key Stage 2- 12.15-13.00

Please ensure your child is on the playground by 8.40am each morning. Children should be supervised before this time and any children coming onto the school site unaccompanied before this time will be escorted to Breakfast Club.

This is a busy time for parents/carers, many of whom have other, younger children with them, so in the interest of safety no games shall be played at these times. Also the trim trails and tyres are out of bounds.

In order to avoid a record of unauthorised absence, it is essential that parents/carers telephone or send a message to inform the school why their child is away eg. sickness etc.

After School clubs

After school clubs start from 3.30-4.30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Thursdays: 2-3.

We offer free wrap-around care until 5pm daily (4pm on Thursdays).


Hull FC Health and Fitness (Old energiser) 3:30-4.30pm Y3,4,5 & 6 Invited children only 

Rugby Y5/6 (Boys & Girls)  3.30-4.30pm

Wraparound care available 3.30-5pm – Places to be booked via the office. 


Cheerleading with stunts (Coach – Jillian Blowman) Y2,3,4,5 & 6 3.30-4.15pm

Hull FC Football club Y3&4 Boys and Y3,4,5 & 6 Girls 3.30-4.30pm

Wraparound care available 3.30-5pm – Places to be booked via the office.


Table Tennis Y3,4,5 & 6 3.30-4.30pm

Wraparound care available 3.30-5pm – Places to be booked via the office.


Hull FC Athletics club Y3,4,5 & 6 2.00-3.15pm

Multiskills with Jillian Blowman Y1 & 2 2.00-2.45pm

EYFS Additional wraparound 2.00-3.00pm (Places to be booked via the office)

Wraparound care available 3- 4pm – Places to be booked via the office. Children must attend one of the sports clubs prior to attending the wraparound care provision. 


Badminton Y3,4,5 & 6 3.30-4.30PM

Wraparound care available 3.30-5pm – Places to be booked via the office.

All children are invited to join all clubs at the beginning of the term. If clubs are oversubscribed then they are reviewed every half-term to ensure that all children who have shown interest can have a place over the year. This is with the exception of Energiser club; this is run to increase children’s self-esteem, confidence and development of leadership skills.

“Staff work closely with professionals from external agencies to provide support for pupils with SEND.”

“Pupils enjoy attending school.”

“There is a clear focus on the teaching of early mathematics and reading.”

“Pupils listen carefully to what adults say. They join in class discussions enthusiastically.”

“Leaders work well
with members of the multi-academy trust to support staff.”

“Teachers check what pupils have learned and remembered each term.”

“Leaders have considered what pupils might need to know to broaden their understanding of the world around them.”

“Senior leaders, alongside the multi-academy trust, have provided subject leaders with training.”

“Teachers who are new to the school welcome the support they receive.”

“Curriculum plans are well sequenced.”

“Pupils say that behaviour is good.”

“Staff are well trained in teaching children to read.”

“Teachers appreciate the support they receive from subject leaders to help them improve their teaching.”

“Pupils enjoy learning about a wide range of subjects.”

“There is a strong team culture within the school.”

“The school is calm and orderly. Pupils walk around school sensibly and are courteous to one another.”

“There are a wide range of school clubs.”

“Pupils say they feel safe in school.”

“Leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum plans they have introduced.”

“There are respectful relationships between adults and pupils.”

“The residential visit to Robinwood encourages pupils to experience new challenges and work collaboratively with their friends.”

“Adults help pupils who fall behind.”

“Children start to learn to read as soon as they enter the school.”

“The ‘Mountbatten 50’ challenges pupils to complete a range of interesting activities
before they leave the school.”

“Pupils recommend the school to their friends.”

“Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their subjects.”

“Pupils access a range of visits and activities beyond their own experiences.”

“Staff encourage
pupils to be independent from an early age.”

“The school enjoyed recent success when the computing club won a local area competition using their coding skills.”

“The early years environment is inviting and well organised.”

” Some teachers check carefully to find out which pupils are stuck and which pupils need further challenge during lessons.”

“Staff welcome the highquality training they receive. They feel proud to work in the school.”

“Leaders and teachers make regular checks to see how well pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are doing.”

“Pupils learn how to keep safe when using the internet.”

“Pupils support each other well when they are completing their work.”

“Children settle into school quickly.”