School Uniform

We have a school uniform, this not only looks very smart, but also promotes a positive image of the school. You can buy some of the uniform from the school office. Please ensure that ALL items of school clothing are named – this enables us to return lost items quickly and easily!


Buying school uniform

Our school uniform is available from Steady School and Sportswear.  School uniform can either be ordered online or you can visit their shop at 29 Holderness Road, Hull, HU8 7NA. You can also buy uniform from any other shops in line with the policy.


School/plain royal blue sweatshirt
White/pale blue/grey shirt/polo shirt.
Trousers – grey or black.
Black shoes (plain with no logos) suitable for school


School/plain royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan.
White/pale blue/grey blouse/polo shirt
Skirt / pinafore dress or trousers – grey / black
Black shoes (plain with no logos) suitable for school

In Summer, the same as above but a Summer blue/white checked or striped dress may be worn.

School sweatshirts, cardigans, woollen hats, caps and fleece jackets with the school logo are available from the school office. The code of dress may be modified to incorporate ethnic/religious groups.

Foundation Stage

Uniform is optional but preferred for Nursery. Reception are expected to wear school uniform and they also need a pair of wellingtons to keep in school.


The school provides PE kit (shorts and t-shirts and/or tracksuit) which is washed at school each week. Sandshoes or trainers should be worn for games lessons. Gymnastics and dance should be done in bare feet. Children who do not have appropriate footwear will not be able to participate.


The school policy is that jewellery except for stud earrings and watches should not be worn at school.


Due to the limited amount of storage space children should only bring school book bags (which are available to purchase from the website link above) and packed lunch boxes/bags into school. We do not have facilities to store other larger bags and these quickly become a health and safety hazard if they are brought into school.

“Leaders have considered what pupils might need to know to broaden their understanding of the world around them.”

“Staff welcome the highquality training they receive. They feel proud to work in the school.”

“Adults help pupils who fall behind.”

“There is a strong team culture within the school.”

“Curriculum plans are well sequenced.”

“There is a clear focus on the teaching of early mathematics and reading.”

“Pupils recommend the school to their friends.”

“Children start to learn to read as soon as they enter the school.”

” Some teachers check carefully to find out which pupils are stuck and which pupils need further challenge during lessons.”

“Pupils access a range of visits and activities beyond their own experiences.”

“There are a wide range of school clubs.”

“Pupils support each other well when they are completing their work.”

“Children settle into school quickly.”

“Teachers who are new to the school welcome the support they receive.”

“Staff encourage
pupils to be independent from an early age.”

“Teachers appreciate the support they receive from subject leaders to help them improve their teaching.”

“Senior leaders, alongside the multi-academy trust, have provided subject leaders with training.”

“There are respectful relationships between adults and pupils.”

“The school enjoyed recent success when the computing club won a local area competition using their coding skills.”

“The residential visit to Robinwood encourages pupils to experience new challenges and work collaboratively with their friends.”

“Pupils learn how to keep safe when using the internet.”

“Leaders and teachers make regular checks to see how well pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are doing.”

“Teachers check what pupils have learned and remembered each term.”

“Leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum plans they have introduced.”

“Subject leaders are knowledgeable about their subjects.”

“The early years environment is inviting and well organised.”

“Staff are well trained in teaching children to read.”

“Staff work closely with professionals from external agencies to provide support for pupils with SEND.”

“Pupils enjoy learning about a wide range of subjects.”

“Pupils enjoy attending school.”

“Leaders work well
with members of the multi-academy trust to support staff.”

“The ‘Mountbatten 50’ challenges pupils to complete a range of interesting activities
before they leave the school.”

“Pupils listen carefully to what adults say. They join in class discussions enthusiastically.”

“Pupils say they feel safe in school.”

“Pupils say that behaviour is good.”

“The school is calm and orderly. Pupils walk around school sensibly and are courteous to one another.”